Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This month as been crazy! Actually the it's been crazy since January. I'm tired of talking about secret projects because it's going to be a long time until I can even think about showing anything I've been working on for them. I have a craving for gouache! I'm thinking I might need to pop over to the art store and grab some proper paper! I've tired to pain in my moleskine with no luck - the pages don't take the color all that well. There's lots I'd like to experiment with.

click for larger view
I don't have much to post in the realm of personal work. Adjusting to my work load has caused some of my personal stuff to become neglected. I do manage to sketch here and there though. This is something I like doing - just sort of sketching lots of body-forms quickly in pen. I have a tendency to want to get everything right and so this helps me to loosen up and try to let go of making the drawing perfect.
Here are more doodles:

click for larger view

click for larger view

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I've also recently made a facebook page for my artwork. I was sort of opposed to the idea for a while - only because I already update a million things on the internet already so one more thing seemed like a bit much. However, it sort of needed to happen. If you'd like to keep up with my work on facebook you can here:
I know a very talented lady by the name of Laura Guill - we went to school together and had studios almost next to each other in thesis. Recently I commissioned a small illustration from her and just had to share it!

click for larger view
This tiny tapir is literally the most adorable thing in the world. Laura's work involves her painting subjects in acrylic and then cutting them out and pasting them to a background to created a three dimensional effect. I love my tapir so much! Thanks Laura! :D You can see more of Laura's tiny animals on her blog, here:
Anyway, I'm off to work on some developmental work. I do have a about 10 card illustrations I'm hoping will be released so I can show those as well.

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