Im finally moved into my new apartment. It's bigger, has better light, and the cats seem a lot happier with the wood floors - they're very cool and they lay all over them.
Time for change. I've deleted most of the posts in this blog as part of my spring cleaning. Im currently working on cleaning up my web presence in general - starting with my personal websites. Im splitting my portfolios up under two different domains. Illustration will be held on brynnart.com and Concept Art on Fish Hook Studio. Everything is linked and connected so one should be able to navigate through it all pretty smoothly. It should launch at the end of this month.
Im working with the Summer Program this summer and am very excited to get more involved with the faculty and students as time goes on. Its nice to be around creative people all day.
Im working on some illustration to fill up brynnart.com. Its mostly animals and scientific work such as "how birds fly". However, Im embracing my stylized side and embracing the look of my doodles in the finishes. Ill post more later tomorrow. Im very excited about it because its giving me a chance to work traditionally and more loosely. Im thinking this might be more "Kid friendly" as well. Although I'll still be updating Fish Hook Studio with more detailed creatures work as well as loose work.
In June Ill be visiting the Mojave again to see my family. Im excited to see the desert again - I've been missing it lately.
The image above is of a mural in the Mission I took earlier in the year. I rediscovered it in my iphoto.